Palm Oil Free
It was quite a treat this year not to be eating hot cross buns from Boxing Day on. It was a hot cross summer with the fires and endless heatwave and we hardly went out. Even if we had gone to the shops, buns would not have been appealing.
So this year we made our own, using my mother’s special recipe which includes pockets of buttery brown sugar mix. My husband was using the bread machine (delicious olive bread) so it seemed to take my son and me all day. But they were super yum.
As soon as I finish this I’ll move on to dinner - pumpkin and chicken risotto. Haven’t tried risotto since the kids were babies so might be interesting!
An interesting Easter Friday - my bother might have visited from Sydney if not for travel bans, and we would certainly have caught up with my sister. (Actually my husband visited them we were on our first knead - they needed help patching their roof, which hadn’t held up to all the rain last night).
My daughter has gone into super self-isolation, door shut and supposedly doing homework. I hope the whole of the Easter holidays is not dedicated to overdue assignments! How she didn’t do them in the last fortnight of semi-idleness is beyond me.
Had been planning an Easter themed doco (or Life of Brian tonight but I suspect I will be reading The Weekend (yay) while the boys play Civs (they just booted up a new game) and my daughter “studies”.
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