Lock Down.


Played with a bumble bee that had flown into the conservatory for an hour this morning. He said his name was Charles, I had no reason to doubt him.

Ate the last of the turtle

Ordered a new blood pressure device from Amazon as the two I have are inexplicably suggesting I phone the Guinness book of records.

Did an on-line jigsaw (jigsaw planet – it amused for 40 minutes),

Later Mrs FP and myself set ourselves a challenge to circumnavigate the living room (using only furniture and wall features) without touching the floor. Mrs FP did it in 7 minutes and 8 seconds. My attempt was declared void as I failed the treacherous traverse between the bookshelves and the mantelpiece, I plummeted helplessly onto the sofa, rolled off and my foot touched the carpet. I had mistakenly put my faith in a handhold on the picture rail (Mrs FP couldn't reach it). Sadly it hadn't been dusted in thirty years – the purchase was easily lost.)

Tomorrow's challenge? The North Face of the Aga..

Stay safe, stay sane, eat biscuits. and stop watching rolling news.

(Saturdays challenge – wet your lips, stick them on some sprinkled sugar then the last one to lick their (own) lips wins. It is way harder than you think).

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