
By Colgaize82

Ride On

This photo was taken during our last ‘holiday’ from work- February half term. There was a sincere worry across the town that we were going to experience a re-run of the 2015 floods but luckily, the heavy rain subsided before things got out of hand (just!)

My eldest & I went out for a ‘run-bike’ but found that each route we tried was impassable & we had to rethink & try another approach.

Possibly, the floods of February and the associated worry, were sent to prepare us for the virus of March- who can say?...

I have to hand it to my daughter though, her perseverance throughout this outing was admirable.

She’s in a strange little limbo at the moment, as are many children of her age; her final year at primary school seems to have come to a rather abrupt end and it’s now looking more likely that her next ‘normal’ day at school will be as a year 7 student, starting her time at secondary school. I feel sad for her; she won’t be able to demonstrate what she’s learnt in her SATs, she won’t be able to participate in the year 6 leavers play & she won’t be able to fulfil the important role of year 6 ‘KS1 liaison monitor’ that she was very much looking forward to for Summer term.

However, there are bigger concerns that face us in the wider world & my daughter is clearly able to understand that as she continues to look forward to her next big milestone. I raise my hat to her!

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