Canal Series
A funny old day. I don't think the sun really broke through the thick sky all day.
I had to go to a chemist and everything about it seemed queer. Trying to speak to the pharmacist from a 2metre distance and then a young girl came hurtling in and stood right behind me. I had to ask her to back off. I left the shop then because I was getting nowhere with the pharmacist anyway.
A little local Tesco was around the corner so I dodged people on the street to reach there. A queue ran right along the road and around the corner. My needs were not that urgent so I skedaddled back home.
Yesterday I'd met a drunk with a bottle in his hand and he was asking me if it was true that this was Edinburgh.
Yes, I said. Why, where do you want to go.
Glasgow of course, says he.
I asked if he lived in Glasgow, yes, says he.
So what are you doing in Edinburgh, says I.
I don't have a clue, says he.
Well, how did you get here.
I don't know at all, says he. Where do I go for busses.
Look, says I, cross the road here and go down there to the canal. You'll find someone to point you in the right direction. You're young you'll find you're way home.
He got to the top of the pathway, dropped his bottle. Smash. He kicked the glass and said, people aren't helpful you know.
Anyway he staggered on along his way.
This afternoon I composed an email to a friend. Sometimes they can take ages to write. I then pressed send. I noticed the Drafts thing came up and there were about a million copies of this email flying along it and then I lost all my emails, out and inbox. Bummer to be sure. It's all wiped out so theres nothing I can do. Another de-cluttering I suppose.
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