Good Friday and distancing

Best wishes for Good Friday to everyone.

No option for blip though I have developed a considerable liking for M&S’ chilli and cheese hot X buns. Toasted they have the right amount of heat in both senses of the word.

But they do not form an essential trip to the shops so I’d run out! Hence the traditional fruit bun blip.

Probably a good thing for my waistline. Despite still managing the 10k steps a day the weight is creeping slowly up.

I did have to visit my late relative’s house to read the lecky and keep an eye on the property. Had a distanced chat with the neighbours but otherwise did not see anyone.

On the way back - again with no one around - I stopped and looked into Braidburn Valley park. The daffs are still resplendent. While the grey overcast cool weather ( 12oC) was an incentive to stay inside, there were still very very few people out and about - see extra. There were only 3 other people exercising there that I could see.

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