
By Shoegirl

Good Friday

A hugely significant day for Christians when we think on all Jesus has done for us. Our mission, though we know we could never get close in our earthly lives, is to be more like him.
Anne, one of my Mum’s besties and second Mum to me is one of the most humble, selfless, Jesus-like people I know. From the day me and my brothers were born she has lavished her generosity upon us. She tells me that my parents have blessed her so much in their lives together that she now returns that blessing to me. The truth is that they are all as outrageously generous as each other and I am very much a beneficiary! I hope I will bless the future generations of my family in the same way.
Today Anne and Ken brought me bags of shopping which felt like Christmas to open. Not only did they contain all the food on my list but also Easter chocolate and wine, branded goods, added items and even things from their own food cupboards. And they refused to take a penny in payment. They are also both dedicated NHS workers. Blessed and humbled beyond words.

Grateful for...

Jesus and His promise to never leave or forsake me. In this I know that even in the darkest of circumstances I would never be alone.

You Laid Aside Your Majesty,
Gave Up Everything For Me.
Suffered At The Hands Of Those You Had Created.
You Took Away My Guilt And Shame,
When You Died And Rose Again.
Now Today You Reign,
And Heaven And Earth Exalt You.
I Really Want To Worship You My Lord,
You Have Won My Heart And I Am Yours.
Forever And Ever, I Will Love You.
You Are The Only One Who Died For Me,
Gave Your Life To Set Me Free.
So I Lift My Voice To You In Adoration.

Noel Richards

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