
By stuartjross

Maol Ruadh

Determined not to use the car for the sole purpose of a dog walk we went up Maol Ruadh again this morning. Initially it didn't look too bad from the kitchen window and in hopeless optimism M took a hoodless jacket. The continued thaw and softening of the ground suggested it would be even more wet under foot so wellies were her footwear of choice. It proved a wise decision as we unwittingly strayed on to one of those peaty patches where the ground wobbled like thick skinned custard. Unfortunately M broke the skin and both feet instantly plunged downward in to the mire but stopped short of the tops of the wellies. I was able to offer an out stretched hand and both feet came out with wellies still on. (Not a certainty in such situations)

We continued and black columns of rain swept up the valley from the west and engulfed us. These, unpleasant to humans, conditions are invisible to our dogs and they were having a great time. M and I continued in to further stages of being soaked.

This is not a pretty picture but it does convey the feel of the walk quite well. Splodge, splodge every step. (And we did shut the gate securely behind us.)

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