A day in the life

By neacail

650'ooo to 1 shot

It was an interesting night at the casino in Birmingham. Last hand before the break 3 folk go all in, and the last guy to show his cards says "I,ve got nothing" as he flipped over his JQ of hearts. The river completed his 650'000 to 1 shot royal flush and pocketed him a cool £1100 from the casino. The guy bought everyone at the table a drink, "just don,t take the piss" was his parting shot. I told him I thought he,d win the tournament - destiny and all that.
The barmaid came back with the drinks, and an Irish guy sat down and dumped about £2000 worth of chips on the table next to him. A couple of £25 chips fell off the table onto the floor and he says "any chips on the floor go to the waitressess" - tips for the staff. He,s been playing roulette, and scooped a massive win.
He also says "round of drinks for the table" as he,s flying after his big win. I,m never one to say no to a free drink, so I get another beer. I,ve now got 3 pints sitting next to me.
Fast forward to a few hours later and I,ve made it to the final table, both the Irish guy and the Royal Flush guy have made it as well, but the Irish guy looks less chipper.
He is the 1st one to be eliminated for a small payout and mutters "I can,t f!?#$#$# believe I gave the £2000 back" as he leaves and heads back to the roulette table.
The royal flush guy was still in when I busted in 6th place, but I took off shortly after so I don,t know if the guy did actually win in the end..

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