Capital adventures

By marchmont

MCO day 25

You have to remind yourself what day it and today is Saturday and today confirmed news. The ticket I bought last July is for a flight that is still scheduled to leave early Thursday morning. This is good news, I think. Now I have to keep fingers crossed and start planning.

Not a lot happened here today. Ballet was watched, laundry was done, I frequented the sunbathing spot on the emergency stairs for about 16 minutes, nails were painted to the detriment of a sofa, and later a blackboard and my laptop, thanks Meimei. Cartoons were watched, Jenga was played and I sewed getting hot and sticky on the balcony. We had a visitor, Si Yi from Chamomile, who brought cakes and left with rice and chrysanthemum leaves. It was her first day out for over 3 weeks. I spoke to my family, J, #3 son and Mum. All well.

And then later, before beer I went downstairs for a walk round the pools in the steamy darkness. Oh daring!

The plan to allow some businesses to reopen may come to nought. Apparently you have to sanitise the premises 3 times a day, only allow half the employees in and they have to be temperature checked twice a day and if anyone gets the virus the business owner is responsible for the costs of the medical care. Mmmm.

Hot again today. 35/36 deg.

25 days gone, 4 to go?

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