A little ray of sunshine

By Fizzerella

The Northcliffe Explorers Club

We're getting in to a bit of a routine at home during the lockdown. J's first lesson at school is at 8.30 and he's wanting to be woken early so that he's ready at his desk by that time. It suits me as it ensures I'm up getting on with my day too. Even C who's a night owl is mostly working by 9. Getting out for fresh air and exercise is always high on my priority and so far there's been no objections to a daily explore of Northcliffe. We're all very much appreciating the space it gives us, the trees to climb and the paths to run along. It also has the bonus of not being too busy and so easy to distance from others, yet every day we go there we meet at least one other person we know for a short catch up, at a distance of course. It does feel very odd to have to pass others at such an unnatural distance, and I'm finding that often there is no eye contact with others where there would normally be. Despite the threat of all these changes I think we feel it's come very quick and sone things will take more adjusting to than others.

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