My little nurse

My monthly migraine began overnight and this morning I couldn’t get out of bed. It was a bad one and, despite taking several different pain killers it didn’t ease until this evening. Anya kept coming to check on me, to ask if I needed anything, to keep me company. She fetched her note pad and wrote what she thought I needed to feel better. When I needed to rest my head and sleep she left me to it and decided to make me a card with a message and a little Easter poem. It certainly did cheer me up!
Meanwhile Max watched a bit more tractor Ted, ‘helped’ Andrew in the kitchen and made cups of tea outside in the water (extra) He did come for a few little cuddles and gently drove his Lego vehicle over me :-) He’s doing quite well with the potty training so far and is pleased with his Peter Rabbit pants. Let’s see what the Easter bunny brings in the morning...

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