
By Bowen

Not a gardener....

I am not a gardener by any stretch of the imagination.  My house was built in 1977 and I bought it I think about 12 years ago?  Feels right.  I'm still benefitting from one of the previous owners who did a bit of gardening around the place.  These lovely little flowers don't come up every year but I enjoy them when they do.  They make me happy as do the crocus, tulips, daffodils and hyacinth that come up.  The apple trees and the tangled chaos of cherry trees are all starting to produce little buds.  Tomorrow it's suppose to start snowing and depending on who you listen to there have been forecasts of anywhere between an inch to feet.  The wind is starting to kick up so I guess we'll see what it brings.  I'm hoping whatever the weather brings that the tulips still blossom, the fruit trees I'm not as concerned about since they don't produce a lot of fruit and as previously stated I'm not a gardener and often let the squirrels and birds eat most of the fruit.

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