Caught With Her Hand In The Egg Basket

Today was all about the food prep and egg coloring.  Na'iema helped with the eggs and she was really fascinated by the process and the colors.  She just wanted to keep touching them and saying the colors.  She decorated with stickers too.  Most of the eggs are cracked from all the handling, but they're colored beautifully and tomorrow when we make deviled eggs, it won't matter a bit.  

I usually make a Pizza Gaina (pronounced Janah, long a on the first one) which is a kind of cheese and ham pie my family always made for Easter breakfast and some Italian sweet breads are baking right now (10:00p.m.), also for breakfast.  There are only a couple of cousins that still carry on the tradition and it is quite a competition.  Pictures will be posted on Facebook since no one gets together as a big group since all the "principles" are no longer with us and everyone has their own family traditions.  It should be noted that my mom always made the ham and cheese pie on the Friday before Easter, (Good Friday for Catholics was meatless and we couldn't eat it until Sunday). The wonderful smells, the torture of it all.  She would make a spinach and cheese pie for Friday, but it just wasn't the same.  I'll admit to being a rebel about this since she's been gone, but I'm no longer Catholic so I don't think it's as bad as it could be. :-)

Happy Easter to all!

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