A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Happy Easter!

Some Maddy Prior hymns to start the day when we opened our yummy Green and Black chocolate selection (plus some amazing exotic Turkish delight ) from Grace and John that had come in the post together with this lovely, home made with Eda’s help, Easter card.
The Easter Sunday service I read from my iPad in the garden and then a lovely long FaceTime with G, J  and Eda.
When we opened up she had just done an egg hunt in the garden. She had found Peter Rabbit in the watering can and lots of eggs of course some of which were all over her face!
She then opened my parcel and she loved the clothes I’d made for ‘baby’, her doll. They immediately had to be put on and baby put to bed. Daddy read her some of the little pop up bible stories I’d sent, just a page a story,  and the dinosaur book from London before she discovered the eggs! What a difference from the egg hunt in our garden last year when she had no idea what the eggs really were! (And didn’t like the chocolate when she tried it after spotting Boppa doing the same!) Not so today.
So lovely to see her playing and having a lovely Easter morning.
(Extra) - you may spot me in my Easter bonnet.
The Easter tree was put up yesterday and I just loved the pictures of her with it. A natural model?
Hope you’ve all had a lovely Easter Day despite the restrictions and been able to see something of your loved ones.

Happy Easter and stay safe everyone.

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