Today's Special

By Connections

Easter Greetings

I don't usually post in the morning, but I wanted to get this cheery message up while it's still Easter in the UK and Europe. 

One of the things I've been doing during our stay-at-home COVID-19 time is to go through boxes of memorabilia and photos. This colorful Easter greeting was made by my son when he was six, 32 years ago. Back then we never would have dreamed that we could share photos and words as quickly and easily we do now! 

Seeing how all of you are coping with the restrictions necessary during this time of worldwide COVID-19 is inspiring and comforting. I'm immensely grateful for my Blipfoto "family"!

[COVID-19 statistics for Whatcom County on April 11: 261 confirmed cases and 23 deaths.]

Blip 2072

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