
By MumOf4Wildlings

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to all my blip friends.

We tried to not make a big deal out of today. The boy's asked if the Easter bunny was coming and we said he would leave eggs for a hunt. Days like Easter and birthdays and Christmas are all too much for Xander. It's like he's so excited to be getting something and then will have emotional meltdowns throughout most of the day.

The egg hunt was fun for them. They got up at 6 and were gutted they had to wait for Harp to wake. She didn't get up until 9am. Harp was so excited to find chocolate.

After breakfast we gave them their gift from nana and grandad and that was it. They got given another couple of eggs each but we will give them them over the next week. We try and learn from the year before.

And they had a great time running up the biggest hill at the golf course to roll their eggs they had painted.

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. I didn't really sleep last night so I'm pretty tired.

Take care my friends and thank you for all your comments,stars and heart's. X

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