
We are getting along very well and have become very at ease in each other’s company but there was some contentious debate today and in the end Mr and Mrs Blackbird won and I went for a cycle leaving them to fill their boots on the worms and grubs I had been digging up. They, and probably little ones perhaps, seemed very happy with this arrangement.

What Birds Plunge Through Is Not The Intimate Space -Rainer Maria Rilke
(translated by Gabriel Caffrey)

What birds plunge through is not the intimate space,
in which you see all Forms intensified.
(In the Open, denied, you would lose yourself,
would disappear into that vastness.)

Space reaches from us and translates Things:
to become the very essence of a tree,
throw inner space around it, from that space
that lives in you. Encircle it with restraint.
It has no limits. For the first time, shaped
in your renouncing, it becomes fully tree.

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