
By mollymay49

 After a morning of doing house chores, a short walk for Milo later, we settled for a game of scrabble after lunch.We had a very chilled day.
We seem to be doing well on the virus front, according to this evenings news with only 2 new cases today, they were two people from the cruise ship, doctors think we are a few weeks away from starting to lift some sanctions?  i think they are giving us a ray of hope that they are winning this round, although they have also said there will be no cure until the vaccine is found, and they are treading very slowly, cautiously and carefully, so as not to undo any progress made.
The Eastern states and Tasmania are still having a nightmare of things, our  borders here in W.A are still sealed off, we heard they won't be opened for a further 6 months.

On another note my on-line shop arrived tonight, i'm very pleased with this 'different way to shop' as we adhere to the rules of  'stay at home' ..

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