
By Beewriter


...or should that be Sixitus. Today marks my sixth year on blip. It is a major part of my life, although there are days I have missed taking a photo, and I wouldn’t live without it. I have met some lovely people, both virtually and in person and in these difficult times when we are unable to meet up physically because of this awful virus, blip is a saving grace. I’m lucky as I am still working and so I have contact with people, but it is still difficult not being able to nip round to a friend’s.

I love being able to look back on the last six years and see the ups and downs recorded in pictures and words. I’ve changed jobs, I’ve met new friends, ive been on tv, I’ve lost my beloved Pelly, I’ve had different is all there on blip. I contemplated setting up a special photo to mark the occasion, but I think the words are more important today. I did draw all the sixes the wrong way round for my first photo and so I’ve spent longer than planned...doh. So I want to say a big thank you to those that comment on my pics every time, those who drop by occasionally, those who put up with me keeping up with comments when I can and when I just have time to leave a star, those who I have as friends on Facebook, those I text, those I meet up with when I can (and hopefully will again soon), those who have joined in Film Star Friday (we will do it again) and those who keep blip going. This is such a wonderful site full of wonderful people.

I am off work today and I’ve written a list of things I want and need to do. (Part of that list involves eating Easter eggs as the diet resumes again tomorrow.)

So....enjoy your Easter Monday. Stay safe and stay at home.

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