
By PeteWpics

Stay at home

Or the Giant Hogweed will get you. 
Thank you everybody for all the kind comments and stars and hearts yesterday, although the pedant in me has to admit that yesterday's blip was strictly speaking my 364th. If you look at the first blip in the catalogue it is dated 9th April 2014 which was about 5 years before I had actually heard of Blipfoto. This came about because I used a photo taken in 2014 and edited it for an Abstract Thursday blip innocently thinking that it would be dated to the day of editing..... And of course there is the anomaly thrown up by this year being a leap year which strictly speaking means that tomorrow will be one year on from my first blip... I'm rambling again. MrsW is going to read this and I'm going to get told off ;-). 
I am humbled to have these congrats from people who have done thousands of blips. You are all so very kind.  

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