Let's have a go at growing veg.

Round the back of our garage is a bank of rough grass with the oil tank and a compost bin. We constructed two vegetable beds a while ago but did not have enough soil.  Mr P has been going onto the B&Q website daily for a week, trying to get to the front of the online queue. They are closed to shoppers but will bring out your online order on a trolley. Finally, going on early, he managed to put in an order. They phoned to say the order was ready and he collected 6 bags of potting compost. Now we can start sowing seeds. A neighbour gave me some chitted potatoes. They are in the green pots. Now we need a water butt on the garage downpipe ready for rain, it must come sooner or later!   That will be the next challenge

Day 26
717 hospital deaths up to 11,329. The government are considering whether the general public, out and about, should wear face masks to stop spreading the virus. 
There are a lot of deaths in care homes but these figures are not in the reported statistics. I wonder why these poor people do not get to hospital? 
Oh and one theory I have heard as to why German deaths are so low is that they only report deaths as being from coronavirus if there is no other reason. So if you have the virus but die of a heart attack, it's not included.  I don't know how accurate this is. 

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