Mono Monday - Negative Space
The chill wind returns, albeit with a sunny disguise. We're not fooled though, and table tennis is abandoned. The idea of bats and ball taken top down on the table failed the "stay still just for a minute" test. Instead of which, you have a trio of government supplied apples on the utility room drainer. Probably for the best; I'm sure the ladder would have blown over anyway...
I'm starting to touch base with folk out there now who are struggling. It's week four, and we are in uncharted territory. Perhaps you're finding it tough too. If I can offer a thought. We can't leave our homes, but we can move to the Land of the Achievable. In the Land of the Achievable we do what we can, and what we can't do we don't worry about. That's a positive and defensive attitude and I recommend it.
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