The Sun sets on the Easter Weekend

Bit of a drop in temperature today after a week of warm weather. We got on with inside jobs this morning. 

This afternoon we did a virtual crime solving  game in competition with some good friends of ours. In preparation to make it look like a genuine murder scene, Annie accidentally sliced her finger open on an opened can. In a reflex action, she shook her hand at which point blood splattered all over the kitchen. The addition of some presence of mind, a plaster and a fair amount of cleaning has restored the kitchen to normal. 

We enjoyed joining the virtual blipmeet organised by Chantler63, nice to virtually meet some blippers we'd never met before (and to say hello to some we had!). 

I (Chris) popped out for a late exercise walk to capture the end of the day whilst Annie joined another Zoom call with friends in the UK and Switzerland. So lovely to catch up with them.  

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