Well that went well...!

... said Tess sarcastically, on our way back home after my first trip out for 18 days.

As we approached the beach car park the sky turned dirty grey and it began to rain heavily, the rain turned to hail and the wind whipped sideways at the car.

We sat in the car and waited for the weather to abate, and then plodded down onto the beach, only to be hit by a harsh January Atlantic wind which forced itself through the cloth of my coat and chilled my skin. Tess moaned continuously about the cold and her badly behaving tights. I wish I'd paid more attention to what she was wearing before we left the house.

We stayed just long enough for Dylan the dog to get sufficient exercise (and steal some balls from other dogs) and then gave up and headed back to the car. I felt my muscles complain as I struggled to walk back uphill to the car park, and then Richard and I took it in turns to have coughing fits all the way home.

Anyway... It was nice to get out...

I think! ...

Despite the weak muscles and coughing fits, I've managed to stay on my feet pretty much all day, and have successfully fed us lunch and tea. Although, I probably should have been less ambitious than a nut and bean roast invented from scratch that took me about 4 hours to make and made loads of mess.

Last antibiotics today and my head has been much better. My throat hurts less too and I can finally drink my tea nice and hot. :o)

Lots to do in the coming days so I need to be well.
I was worried about the end of January and beginning of February, but now I've been through the crap the last 3 weeks has thrown at me, the next few weeks don't seem like such a big deal.

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