
By Beewriter

A Mini Adventure

Should I? Shouldn't I?

I went to look at the mini roadster.......decisions, decisions.

Jude came with me to look at minis and she saw a little beauty that she fell in love did I. It's a good job we liked different cars or it could have been fisticuffs in the showroom.

I went for tea and cake at the Secret Garden with Pat and then we nipped into the Trafford Centre. Pat spotted a gorgeous little shrug that was all feathery and floaty, very her. It was in the sale and she was very tempted, "Try it on," I said. She was wearing her scruffs but she took off her coat, then her scarf, then her gilet and then put it. Pat always has a million layers on!

Behind me an assistant was putting clothes on a rail, "Are you alright, my darling?" she said to her friend who was helping her. Pat looked up as she was smoothing down the shrug about her shoulders, then in a big voice she said, "Oh yes, thank you." We both realised at the same time that the woman hadn't been talking to Pat and we started to laugh. Pat walked off to look at herself in the mirror and left me with her coat and bags. I was laughing so much I was crying, but I looked a complete moron standing on my own shaking and crying in the middle of John Lewis.

So.....yes Pat, it did make you look like a fluffy chicken!

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