MCO day 28
Although it's been planned since July that I'd come home this week I'd imagined I'd spend my last few days lazing by the pool instead of trying to teach tens to s five year old. It was hard work this morning but she persevered. We did some puzzles before lunch and had a look at the National History Museum site.
After lunch it was Muzart. Today it involved balancing two coins and a toothpick and trying to do something with static electricity. Olivia got bored and we baled after 40 minutes. Most of that time was spent with the teacher trying to encourage kids to balance non bandaging coins and explain the instructions which they should have explained at the start.
The girls then helped me pack. I am right on the limit again but I think that is mainly down to two new, additional, suitcases. Amelia wants c to come v too and got quite weepy. Think she was tired.
Couple of hours of not doing much. Gordon had vacated his space so that was helpful. I made dinner which we managed to eat outside. I'm checked in. It is happening, I am going home.
29 days gone, 1 here to go
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