
By Taiski


I made my first pilaf today. I had bought a pack of orzo some time back, and I've been wondering what it is used for.

Apparently, it is best suited for bulking up soups, and for making... pilaf.

After reading a few recipes I concluded that it's not really much different from making a risotto, except that you do it in a frying pan, and that you don't necessarily need risotto rice. Add the dry grain to the pan after having softened your onions and whatever other garlic, spices etc, and little by little add stock and let the grain absorb and cook until soft.

In the above, I added cooked green lentils once the orzo was mostly - though not quite completely - done, and stirred in a diced gammon steak that I had fried separately as an afterthought...

Bon apétit!

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