
I bought this fossil from the doorstep of a cottage in Staithes this time last year, it now sits in the rockery. We should have been visiting the Yorkshire coast again this week but it can wait until safer times.
Another sunny day. Our walk again set out to try new footpaths spotted the other day. This time it didn't work out to well as a fingerpost pointed over a rolling field that had been ploughed by the farmer leaving no obvious sign of the correct route. We walked the edge of the field to avoid his crop which is just showing but count pick up the path again. We retraced our steps back down hill and took the well known route. Farmers complain about people going over their land but some of them don't help matters.

The extra photo was from near the end of the walk back to the village

a HUGE thanks from the robin for putting him on the popular page, he was in good form again today sitting on my knee tweeting for his food. I always give in.

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