Garden Birdwatch

Joined in the RSPB Garden Birdwatch again this year a nice number of birds, but I'm sad to see my own numbers of Sparrows have dropped by 12, but I know there are quite a few around, so maybe they were just eating elsewhere today.

The list this year is:
Male Blackbird
Pied Wagtail
Siskins 3
Blue Tit 4
Starlings 10
Wood Pigeon 13
Sparrow 13
Long Tailed Tit 2
Great Tit
Collared Dove

In other news, the 3 month old tv has developed a fault, a nice line from top to bottom where something has gone wrong with the pixels. My Nikon handbag camera has been repaired after it just stopped working this week and wouldn't charge, looks like it was just a faulty battery thankfully!

Today we bought a new Pleco for the fish tank after the other one died unexpectedly last week. This one is huge! Wanted a bigger one so he could eat his food without having it stolen by the other fish.

And in grusome news.. don't read any further if you're squeamish...
I stumbed my big toe in my shoes whilst playing squash on Thursday, the nail went black. I noticed it was a bit squishy yesterday morning, so I drained it (I'll save you the details) and can now report that most of the nail is no longer attached to the nail bed, although it still looks ok. So I guess another nail will grow and I'll completely lose this one at some point?

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