Essykert Doin da Roonds

Mostly cloudy, with the brief sunny spell.  Gales have been blowing all day, and then some showers this afternoon.  Calmer winds tonight, and a bright evening. 

Up early and headed to work in the living room.  I had the afternoon off, and working again tonight.  Fairly made good progress with my jigsaw tonight, along with some telly.  

Headed down to mam's with some errands this afternoon, and also had a good walk with Sammy.  Wednesday's are our bin day in Scalloway, but also down at mam's too, and they were out on their rounds.  Hats off to them, and a terrific job they are doing.  I'm lucky that I can work from home, but those heading out each day and risking their health, well done.  Hopefully after this is over, they won't be forgotten about again, it's a vital part of keeping things going.  Taken at Greenmow, Cunningsburgh.  

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