Living in Brabant

By AilsaR

Blonde on Blonde

The planned Tilburg Blip meet with five of us didn't go ahead due to the weather, but Regine and me decided to go ahead anyway.

The idea was to go the Leypark, a small-ish park, you can't go wrong really. Except we did. A bit like our day out in Utrecht.
Regine came from outside of town, so took the bus from the station. To the hospital. I cycled down to where I thought the hospital should be, it wasn't there and I ended up at the 'twin tower(block)' instead.

There then followed a series of daft sms messages: "where are you?" "I'm at the hospital side" "Where's that, has someone moved it?" "No! You're on the wrong side, cycle to the restaurant, and we'll meet there". "OK, see the bridge that crosses the 'A' Road? I'm near there. Chico [dog] is having a poo first. *sigh*. "Which bridge, where?" [Walk in any old direction] "Ah! I see a bridge!".
In the end we found each other and had a refreshing walk in the park. The sun even came out!

Then Chico, fully of doggy wisdom, decided to dart into some bushes and brambles. In a short space of time he managed to wind his lead round the brambles, got tangled up, couldn't get out again and started crying. Awwww.

Regine to the rescue (see pic), I think it sums up the day rather well ;)

After that we walked to the centre of town, had a couple of (ahem) Irish Coffees, then went on to another restaurant, on the old market square to have a meal. Chico lay quietly under the table, exhausted from his walk, and having to listen to two giggly women.

At the end of the day, like Regine, I seem to have fallen in love with Chico.

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