No Poo

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

You may have wondered how the bird situation is working out now that we have moved. As you can see, we have pretty much picked up where we left off. Here is a row of sparrows, waiting for Jasper to eff off so they can come back into our garden. 

Sadly, we don't get kakas any more, but we do get adorable little Wax Eyes and Fantails. I worry about the Fantails. They sort of float around in the air, like butterflies. Jasper is not a great hunter, but I could see him plucking one of those out of the air.

The best thing about our new location is that we can feed the birds in the garden, and I no longer have to clean up their poop, except when they shit on Jasper*. And I just love to watch them puttering about in the garden. 

Speaking of which, Caro just got a text from Feefs which read:


"This requires a phone call," said Caro. Their conversation is still ongoing, but I'll summarise the high points for you.

CARO: Oh my god!
FEEFS: I KNOW! And Craig was singing in the shower next to me and Quinn was talking to me through the door about his school-work and I was like, "Excuse me, trying to push out a baby here."
CARO: So did you already HAVE a poo knife, or did you need to re-purpose a regular knife?
FEEFS: Oh no I already had one in a ziploc bag from one time with Quinn ages ago. 
CARO: What have you guys been EATING?
FEEFS: I don't even know! And I've been really regular too, so I was like, "Where did THAT come from?" And I forgot to weigh myself before dammit.
CARO: Do you think it was a kilo poo?
FEEFS: Oh, two kay-gees at least, mate.
CARO: Was it poking out of the water?
FEEFS: It was nearly out of the BOWL! Looking at me! But it's dead now. I subdued it and it flushed and everything.

Caro - need I tell you - was CRYING.

In other news, Loulou has taken the lack of social contact as a good time to experiment with "No-Poo". 

It is not what you think.

She has given up shampoo, you see. She has taken to washing her hair with natural products, to try and reduce the frizz. Apparently it is working, but she had to move to an apple cider vinegar concoction because her first attempt - with white wine vinegar - made her "smell like a chippy".

"Poor bloody Tiger, having to sleep next to salad dressing," said Caro.

So there are some ideas for you. Vinegar "no-poo" shampoo and a poo knife. And possibly a parasol for your cat.


* Twice now. He is most indignant when it happens.

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