the end of the tunnel

We had a “Pep” talk from our Prime Minister today announcing 15 new cases and discussing where to from here.
It is looking encouraging and as long as something doesn’t go mad I hope that we may go down a level in some areas next week but that’s a long way from business as usual but the light is showing. 
And then we went for a Stagger (The Boss and ME) and he spotted this so the planned TTTT was postponed.  Stay Tuned 
We had a wonderful zoom with his photo group today where everyone had to show a pic they had taken in the last week and talk about it. It was great fun and I (Tasti) got to be on zoom when everyone logged in the first time. While The Boss does need a haircut no one thought that I was The Boss. He could however travel to Australia where you can still get one. No one in NZ can even begin to explain THAT.....except their political system is similar to America I think.
Currently watching “The Fall” on Netflix.. Really grrreat.
Stay safe....The alternative is awful.

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