A change is as good as a rest

Mr C had to pop into work this morning and then again in the afternoon which meant I had to go to Asda to pick up my prescription and also meant getting dressed. Of course, I dress daily but I’ve been living in trackie bottoms and fleece or shorts and top depending on the weather. Mr C had picked up some masks from his office. So off I went with not one but two pairs of disposable gloves ( I take one off to do my payment and then one set off once I’ve loaded the car). My first experience of queuing to get in and although the shop isn’t busy inside, people still need to practise social distancing a little. Straight to pharmacy and the doctor hadn’t sent my prescription through but I did pick up Mr Cs. I whipped around the store as quick as possible to pick up a few bits. Yay! I made it. Phew!

Not long after getting home my teacher, B, FaceTimed me. It was a lovely surprise and great to chat for a few minutes.

It’s incredibly busy outside our house as (very) large lorries, trucks, cranes are in and out getting the compound ready. It should all be completed by Friday.

On my evening stroll I thought I’d give you something different to flowers, and yes I did take quite a few flowers blips too. Looking through the garden of remembrance, our house is at the other end and you can see some of the bluebells to the left.  I’ve added an orange tipped butterfly in the extras. Not great quality but I thought it looked as if he was looking at me as I blipped him.

Take care.

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