Allotment Day Off

That's not a day off from the allotmen, but a day off, so to the allotment I took myself! After a morning of housework jobs that is. Dusting in our bedroom, cleaning the bathroom, and some washing. Enough cleaning for one day! I packed up a lunch at 12.30, then faffed about getting all the bits together to take to the allotment.

It was really hot. Glad I remembered my hat. I moved our table and found the garden umbrella in our plastic shed. I was careful to open it, peering inside. Yep, a giant spider. I knew there would be. I shook it until I was sure he wasn't going to drop on me, then put the umbrella up and sat in the shade to eat my lunch and plan my afternoon.

As you know, my allotment is clay. So the ground without rain and with lots of sun, is baked hard. I wanted to weed a small area where my strawberries are planted. They were almost invisible beneath weed and grass. It took me ages to weed such a small area. I'd like to edge it, to stop the grass over growing. A job for Henry or Jon.

I also prepared my sticks for my beans, and added some string to support my broad beans as they grow taller. Then dug a further third of a bed where I'm going to plant sweetcorn. I dig the rest at the weekend. I spent nearly 3 hours then walked home, pushing my bike and chatted to mum and dad to catch up.

Mollie cooked dinner. Toad in the Hole. Then closely followed by a WhatsApp video chat with two of my best friends Joanne & Karen. At 8 o'clock we all went outside our own front doors to clap. Karen is a midwife at Addenbrookes, yet ironically it was her street where there was no clapping. Mollie and I heard pots and pans being banged, car hooters beeping and joined in with the clapping. Couldn't see anyone, as we are on a quiet lane, but could hear the applause loud and clear, and the same from Joanne's road.

We carried on chatting for nearly 2 hours. Miss these girls, and look forward to seeing them when it is safe to do so. But it was so lovely to see them and chat tonight.

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