Boundary Dwellers

By Hell4Murph


My great-niece, aged 8, is asked her granny - my sister - if there were any royal connections in the family. She was told about her greatx4 auntie who was in service to Queen Victoria, looking after the princesses. I took this photo of her photo here and sent it to Arbroath.

Not good enough.

The question was about actual royals in the family trees. I took another photo of the pale, fantastical Chart I of my dad's tree, which shows that the lines from King Egbert of England and Pepin's son Charlemage coming together with the Plantagenets and then down some 14 generations to the marriage of a Barbara Marwood (descendant of Sir Thonas Percy, executed 1537) to Sir Thomas Hebblethwayte. And there Dad's family are - Yorkshire.

We suspect that many middle class Victorians/ Edwardians such as the relative who did, or commissioned, this tree have a similar Chart 1.

Who did he (want to) think we were?

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