What is this?

Same pattern to the day as last Friday with minor changes just to keep things interesting.

Joe Wicks today (we did Thursday's workout) had the second half of session called something like "ciabatta", I'm not sure what it was he called it. It consisted of 4 HIT exercises of 20 seconds with 10 second rests repeated 3 times. Whatever it was called it was haaard.

When we'd recovered, had breakfast and got ready Susan spent the morning pottering, knitting, browsing and the like. I did some potting on and sowing. Potted some lettuces into their final position in a trough then sowed dwarf beans, runner beans, broccoli, sprouts, cucumber and courgettes. The greenhouse is full to bursting.

We walked in Bearsted and Mote Park this afternoon, which is where today's blip was taken. There was plenty of flowering cherry blossom but this caught my attention being such a contrast. Does anybody know? Susan thought it was a sycamore. The camera seems to be playing up, the lens jiggling in and out. Not sure what that might be either.

Far fewer people around today, owing to the threat of rain and the cold winds.

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