Getting to grip with layers

I have started to make slow progress using Photoshop Layers. My Blip involves the blending of several images and the extra shows work in progress for my granddaughter's Xmas book. For those of you following 2019's exploits of the Xmas book I promise not to show any more until December. Is this going to be the first sign of Xmas in 2020.

We are just completing five weeks in lock down. My Daughter and Son in Law contracted the virus early on and look to have now almost fully recovered. A big sigh of relief.

Read about 99 year old Captain Tom again this morning. What an incredible person to walk 100 times up his garden and raise £10m for the NHS. And now there is 90 year old Margaret Payne of Sutherland who aims to climb 731m by competing282 trips up stairs. This is the equivalent of Highland Mountain Suilven. So far she had raised £10,000 for the NHS.
Then I was gratified to learn ( heavy sarcasm here ) that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge told the BBC how being in lockdown is stressful and there is going to be an interview with them on the BBC. Definitely one to miss.

Keep safe everyone and have a good weekend

Tom now at £18m and Margaret at £90k

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