
Have had a very enjoyable day.

The blossom on our tree is looking good.

FaceTime this morning with James and Annabelle..... always entertaining!

We had visitors for a few minutes on the other side of the gate. ( extra pic) Uplifting!!

Spoke to two of my cousins and caught up with their news.

After lunch John and I tidied the community flower bed we look after. As always, people passing complimented us on our good work. We enjoy doing it.

Out for our walk we met Annette
and her husband and our former dentist and his wife. Across the road chat!

FaceTimed Euan and Eve , and Eve showed us her latest Lego creation. Euan had spoken to two of his wee school friends on FaceTime.

More pics from Fifi as James and Annabelle had a treasure hunt! We really can’t thank the girls enough for keeping us up to date and involved with our precious grandchildren.

Andrew sent us a photo of his car. We noticed the grill at the front had been replaced.( A week ago a pheasant had run out in front of him leaving a hole in the grill.) He had ordered a new grill and researched on You Tube how to fit it. Well done, oor Andy!

Phoned a friend I used to work with. She was thrilled to catch up . We have not seen each other for a couple of years and it was lovely to hear all her news.

All in all, a good day.

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