Track by the Lake

I have had such a busy Saturday, it's been great.  My daughter dropped off my 'top up' grocery shop while I was still in my PJ's!!  That was an early morning call.  After breakfast I had a nice walk towards town, along the track by the lake (blip).  The walnut count today is 36.  The first extra is the log I always sit on, on the way to and from town.  The second extra is of the empty car park, a most unusual sight.  When I got home my neighbour was just setting up the teddy bear sitting in a chair, all made by his daughter from tree branches.  She is very creative.  

The next extra is of the finished jigsaw.  Yay.   Then to put the icing on the cake, I spent the afternoon making crab apple jelly.  The last time I did this was about 55 years ago.  It seemed to take for ever to finally reach the 'set' stage.  I wonder if it is too soft, or too hard.  I'll find out in the morning.

I have also done a couple of loads of washing, so as you can see it's been a busy day.

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