Let Sleeping Cats Lie
Morning all,
......or is that night all?? It's after 1.30 in the morning but its still technically nighttime.....so is it morning or night? ;0)
Cats have it all - admiration, an endless sleep, and company only when they want it -Rod McKuen
Arthur has the right idea, she just sleeps on without a care in the world what we class it as!! ;0)
Handsome Boy still not well though on the 'good' side....no virus, he's choked with the cold, sore throat etc.....hopefully not too long, he hates to miss school.....weirdo !!!! ;0)
Tried giving 'Les Miserable' a try but ain't my cup of tea......I hate musicals at the best of times but why oh why do they insist on singing normal talking .....I'm getting the book!!! ;0)
Another run with Mamma later, 3rd treatment ;0)
Insanity returns to the asylum but we're refreshed and ready......bring it on!! ;0)
Have a great day ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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