What swallows?

Swallows swooping all over this frame - about six inches from the top of the crop but you can’t see them. I gave a whoop of delight when I saw them,  my first of the year. Woody trying to work out what was happening.  Of course they might have been housemartins - I can never tell the difference.  Swifts I recognise.  Very wet most of the day.  V had to take the car in to get brakes fixed and spent two hours socially distancing by walking in a dripping wood in the rain.   I had a massively busy day and didn’t want to walk in the wet at lunch so was rewarded by a long early evening walk while Vikram cooked goose - a surprise gift from our house guest.  Walked back into the village with a neighbour - two metres apart - it was a joy to talk to someone not on a screen.  She gave me some asparagus from a friend’s farm.  First of the season. ‘Summer is a coming in’. 

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