Tyre’d of lockdown - try this!

Tyre’d of lockdown? Try this?

I’ve been posting on Facebook 7 albums over 7 days that are ace. I’m on Day 5 of 7, but I don’t mind sharing with you fine blippers the seven albums I’ve chosen. They are:

Grand Prix by Teenage Fanclub

Abbey Road by the Beatles

Definitely Maybe by Oasis

OK Computer by Radiohead

Kind of Blue by Miles Davis

After the Goldrush by Neil Young

Penguin Eggs by Nic Jones.

Well today a couple of us fell upon a bright idea. Why not post five albums you have loved in the last five years?! A fine idea & here were my choices:

Nils Frahm & All Melody

Chartreuse & Even Fred money doesn’t get me out of bed

Matt Maltese & Bad contestant

Thom Yorke & Anima,

C Tappin & Ashes to Ashes

Thank God 4 music!!!



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