
By Cumbrialass

Saturday.. I think

Mike's bonsai arrived.  It came in a huge box, filled with green s shaped polystyrene pieces. It looked like it had its hair in rollers ! Lol It took quite a while to gently remove them from the branches without damaging a single leaf.
The pieces are  now back in the box and when we can eventually get down to the Bonsai nursery we'll take the box back so it and the contents can be used again.

A much colder day, but although the air felt icy it wasnt too windy. Weve yet to have any rain.
Too cold to potter in the garden today so I tackled the jigsaw.. Theres a lot of brown pieces.. but I got a reasonable amount done. 

2 phone calls today. One long chat with my friend Jenny who is  on Walney Island so is lucky to have some lovely walks along the shore . I miss that! 
I then phoned my brother and sis in law and had a good long chat with them

I spent some time going through photos of him to make a photo collage for his birthday. ( My plan to treat him to a tree or shrub for the garden is on hold  for now )

Just as well I didnt go in the garden today..  something bit me 2 days ago and the side of my knee is swollen and red . .. and itchy! Glad I've got Antihistamine  tablets and cream or it would be really driving me crackers.

I hope everyone remains fit and well.
Thank you for the lovely comments and stars xxx

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