So you decided to come home
A butterfly kind of day as I flitted from one thing to another. I have so many n things to do and do little inclination to do them. Had a long phone conversation with E and then a face to face conversation with Y, over the fence as I cut the grass, and #3 son, across the front garden. He brought back my mail that he had been supposed to be sorting.
Next week is a busy week with three meetings. I just hope I don't forget now that they are during the working day rather than an evening distraction. An evening distraction is causing a problem. The front room TV is pixelating. This an internet connectivity issue. Not sure I have the energy to sort.
So it was a bit of this and a bit of that today. I probably need a list. I realise I have too much food so no need to go shopping and I have no inclination to go out for the state mandated exercise, pottering around the back garden is enough for me, especially when the sun shines.
This has strong echoes of when I lived in France, on my own during the week. The whole 'manyana' thing kicks in very quickly, there are no boundaries, no imperatives. Of course I'm not alone but C is working so I haven't b seem much of him. To be honest I'd prefer he wasn't here but given his key worker job it would be unfair to ask him to leave.
There was another visitor today. A young vixen who sat in the sun before coming right up to the back door. Molly did venture out but spends most of the day in her basket beside the radiator. The 'toys' were sent by the girls. I sent them the photo which precipitated the following conversation:
Olivia 'look that's Molly the cat'
Amelia "aaaww, does she say miaou?
Olivia 'no, cats only do that on TV'.
You've got to laugh!
2 gone, 19 to go.
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