
I forgot to take any blips yesterday but we enjoyed our weekly family quiz hosted by Rebecca this week and after the quiz, Lucy managed to get mum and dad on video messenger so we got to see them for a while too.

Just a pottering sort of day and a lovely video call from our dear friend J, a devout Christian who praises her faith for helping her in these difficult times. She is very busy working from home and her other half S has been doing lots of gardening and odd jobs around the house. Not his forte.... more suited on a golf course 7 days a week. Lovely to hear :-D))

We decided to watch this weeks musical, Phantom of the Opera, before dinner as it was only available for 24 hours and would have finished at 7pm. Very enjoyable. I then took Ruby out for her stroll ... and you have more flowers :-D))). Bluebells in extra.

Take care xx

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