Silent Autumn

Not too silent, I feel there are a lot more people out driving and a large number becoming complacent and going F*** it. We are fortunate, or the lock down has been either good management or good luck, either way it seems to be working. Went for a 21.3K run this morning nice and early and afterward went for a 3.3k walk with Marie to the Supermarket. I took things easy this morning and averaged about 6.15 pace including a wee walk at the start and finish. I am going to have a good discussion with the Physio on Thursday, the Back exercises are working well, but I feel there is something else going on with my Hamstring. I had a fall a few years back working for my Previous Company and landed flat on my sitmedown, This Fractured my Coccyx and at the time I also felt a similar pain to what I am getting now and just wonder if there may be an unhealed tear or a large build up of scar tissue around my Hamstrings. Missing being able to go and visit our favourite places for Photographing Autumn Colours. Early start again tomorrow so bed is calling. 

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