
By jeffpaps

Bursting forth.

During this time of isolation and restriction as a result of the pandemic I have noticed creation in greater detail. It feels like the flowers are more vivid, the birdsong more tuneful and the trees more verdant. Despite the fear and the isolation some are experiencing it seems as though the planet is healing itself. Could this be a time of renewal?
The rhododendron plant in our garden has never been very prolific but this year it has burst forth with new buds and the flowers are so beautiful. At our on line church today we were encouraged to make a list of the things we were thankful for. I have tried to do this on my blip journal. Sometimes it comes easily and sometimes it is hard.
Today I am grateful for;
The vivid colours of creation.
For new ways of connecting with people in this time of world wide lockdown.
For the encouraging prayers of friends.

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