The oak tree is shooting new leaves and flowers.
After the rain yesterday, there is a glorious blue sky today, and there's heat in the sun, but there's a very chilly wind - enough to put us off any outdoor gardening. W repotted a couple of house plants, and has spent the rest of the day in the workshop, where he is making visible progress in organising it.
I played the flute, and then browsed a lot of flute music on the internet, downloading and printing some to learn. It was really great yesterday evening to catch up with ArcLight and Mr A. And it was particularly good to do this on Zoom, as I've a Zoom flute lesson tomorrow.
The local nursery finally rang back, and we now have 2 dozen alpines due for delivery later this week - exact day unspecified, but we're not going out, are we?
Can I point my Blip friends to this article - an excellent insider's viewpoint on the current crisis.
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