
The farmers (or maybe it is just one) have been busy around us, several fields planted very neatly with this crop. I don't know what it is, maybe somebody can recognise it, or it may become clearer as it grows. They thankfully left a path through the middle of this field as it is a public footpath which we use from time to time.

For the second time in a week we met our next door neighbours who had again coincidentally decided to do the same walk as us, but in the opposite direction. We came across them by the lake, the extra shows one daughter and two dogs. One dog is theirs, they are looking after the other for a neighbour who is self isolating and cannot take him for walks.

Before our walk we played a round of the Junior Game of Life on zoom. The second extra shows a break in the game while Rory consulted the rules.

Yesterday evening we watched A Star Is Born (mrsfb's choice). This evening it will be my choice, Amateur, about an ex-nun, trying to turn her hand to writing pornography, who meets a recovering amnesiac in search of his estranged wife. Could be good :-)

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